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Welcome to the Bucks County Association of Township Officials, “BCATO.”

BCATO is committed to preserving and strengthening township government through education and the exchange of vital information with our members. All townships of the second-class in Bucks County are eligible to be members of the Association. This includes all current supervisors, tax collectors, auditors, non-elected managers and secretaries, and treasurers.

BCATO holds several events throughout the year, most notably our Annual Convention and Fall Event. These events provide members with an opportunity to have a voice in BCATO’s official business as well as participate in an exchange of ideas, learn about important legislation, and highlight our members’ accomplishments. 

Additional activities take place between the Annual Convention and Fall Event. Our Executive Committees meet periodically and thrive with enthusiastic member support. Some of the important work we do includes our involvement with the Pennsylvania State Association of Second Townships (PSATS) which serves as the voice for townships of the second-class across the Commonwealth. Individual townships can introduce resolutions in support or opposition to an issue or legislation at the Annual Convention. Support for a resolution means it will be presented to PSATS for consideration at the state-wide, annual conference.  Over the years, BCATO has achieved success in advancing our resolutions resulting in advocacy on issues of great concern for our members.        

We encourage you to explore our website for resources and opportunities for you to engage with BCATO.

The Bucks County Association of Township Officials (BCATO) is a 501 ( c) (4) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, created in 1907 in accordance with Section 1401 of the Second-Class Township Code and is comprised of 30 second-class townships and its supervisors, managers, tax collectors, and auditors